The materials of the scientific and practical conference for 2020 have been published

The first text electronic edition of  the Cultural institution of scientific research and education Polotsk National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve has been published :

МАТЭРЫЯЛЫ НАВУКОВА-ПРАКТЫЧНАЙ КАНФЕРЭНЦЫІ : (па выніках навукова-даследчай работы супрацоўнікаў Нацыянальнага Полацкага гісторыка-культурнага музея-запаведніка ў 2020 г.) [Электронны рэсурс] / уклад. Т. У. Явіч ; навук. рэд. Т. А. Джумантаева. – Наваполацк, 2022. – 141 с. – 1 электрон. апт. дыск (CD-R).

ISBN 978-985-531-807-2.

The collection contains articles by the participants of the conference, which reflected the issues of history and culture of Polotsk region, current problems of museum activities.

The publication is addressed to museum specialists, historians and culturologists.

In the "Library" section on the official website of the Museum-Reserve one can look through the contents of both recently published and previous collections of conference materials.

The collection is included in the State Register of the information resource. Registration certificate No. 3032229605 dated 13.09.2022

The collection is included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

The articles of the collection are registered in the CrossRef system with the assignment of a DOI to each digital identifier.