Church Pokrova Presvyatoj Bogorodicy in the village of Belavichi


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Church Pokrova Presvyatoj Bogorodicy in the village of Belavichi is included in the state list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus and is an architectural monument in the Empire style.

The temple was built in 1822 from brick and rubble stone by the landowner Honorata Oskirko. The building was originally built as a church, but immediately after completion it was transferred to the Orthodox Church. Above the entrance to the interior there is an inscription:

"This temple was built by the care of the landowner Honorata Oskirko in 1822."

From the moment of construction to the present, the temple has been operating, it has never been closed. In the 1990s, steam heating was carried out (heated with firewood), electricity was carried out even earlier.

At the moment, the temple building is under reconstruction.
